Introducing Adanu Habobo

Adanu Habobo is Vancouver’s new traditional Ghanaian drum/dance ensemble. I am honored to be a member of the group and to have participated in a fundraising event to support the very villages in Ghana that practice the style of dance and drumming that we are learning.

All proceeds from our first performance will go towards initiatives founded by each of the two leaders of our ensemble:

Kofi Gbolonyo started the Ghana School Project, a school based in his town of Dzodze that aims to give free music education in both traditional and Western music to any willing child.

Curtis Andrews started the Dzogadze Education Development Foundation. The foundation funded construction of a 3-room school block for primary children (opened in 2009), and has also assisted in some infrastructure development in the village, supplying school and medical supplies. Most recently, the foundation started a pilot scholarship program for the two highest achieving male and female students who have completed middle school and now must leave the village and attend high school (at great cost to the families).